Illinois MakerLab

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MakerLab + Weddings = Happiness

One of our departmental office administrators (Sarah) is getting married next month. To celebration this wonderful event, we recently held a wedding shower for her and her fiancee (Jared). Their primary wedding color is lilac and are trying to use this color in all of their wedding-related materials. Unfortunately, they had difficulty finding a lilac colored cake topper. So the MakerLab came to their rescue. Our intrepid Gurus simply downloaded a wedding cake topper (designed by cerberus333) from Thingiverse, loaded some lilac filament in one of our 3D printers and, viola, a lilac cake topper appeared in less than two hours. A little bit of custom design work by our Guru, Winnie, helped round out the offering, with a 3d rendering of a note card. Sarah was delighted. Makerlab + Wedding = Happiness!

If you are celebrating a wedding, anniversary, birthday or other special occasion, please stop by our Lab to learn how we can help make this event even more special or just drop us a line at UIMakerLab AT Illinois DOT edu.