Illinois MakerLab

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Mario Themed Birthday Party

A very happy birthday to Kirk! We were honored that Kirk decided to spend his birthday with us at the lab. It was a day to remember as we threw a Mario themed 3D printing birthday party! Guests were able to 3D print pieces of a controller. Then Kirk and his friends were able to have some fun as they played the original version of Mario using those same controllers! All of this was made possible with help from Raspberry Pi and gurus Dash Kosaka and Henry Woo. We loved having Kirk and his friends here and celebrating his birthday with him!

Looking for a fun way to spend your birthday? Consider celebrating with us at the MakerLab! Birthday party themes include Mario, fidget spinners, and more! And don’t forget to stay tuned to MakerLab updates by liking us on Facebook, or following us on Twitter or Instagram.