Illinois MakerLab

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Making Things Class Nears Home Stretch!

The end of the semester is nearly upon us!

Last week's class began with a Skype visit by Lauren Slowick, Education Evangelist for


, which is the world's leading 3D Printing marketplace. Lauren provided an overview of Shapeways and offered some very insightful thoughts about the future of 3D Printing.

After Lauren's talk, our class went to work. Most of the teams in our class have finished their final prototyping and are now working on their marketing strategies. Many teams have already taken the first step in their marketing efforts by building websites, promoting their ‘thing’ via social networks, and even setting up payment methods for people to buy their thing! The class is reaching its crescendo and excitement is mounting. A few groups have already sold some of their product through the Internet and our recent product showcase. 

Here's to a profitable and exciting future for Making Things!

By Team DesignChief

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