Illinois MakerLab

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This Week of Making- Week 8

Thinking about coming into the lab but don't know what to print? Try doing what one visitor did, print characters from your favorite movie. In his case, Lord of the Rings! Or check out This website has loads of 3D models to choose from. Merely put in the topic you which to search for and explore all the options that show up! Of course, you can always get inspiration from what other people have already printed. Always be aware of what day it is when coming to the lab. If you think your print isn't going to take very long, stop by Wednesdays! On Wednesdays, if your print is under an hour its free! Come take advantage of this amazing opportunity offered to experience 3D printing for yourself!

Still can't think of anything? Come in and get a print of yourself! Our sensor accurately scans your face and automatically puts the scan of your head into an STL file that can then be printed. A STL (stereolithography) file is a computer aided design file that can be transferred into the code that the 3D printer reads in order to print the object. In simple terms, an STL file contains the layout of your print. Using the sensors advanced technology, you could easily be leaving with a mini bust of yourself by the end of the day!

Still don't know what to print? Let's see what companies are printing around the world! Maybe you'll find some inspiration through their work. An organization known as ReFab Dar is currently working on making a 3D printer that can print using recycled materials! The pilot printer is currently being used to print medical prototypes in Africa. These medical prototypes being printed revolve around the 6 major healthcare areas in Africa: malaria, preterm babies, suffocation at birth, HIV/AIDS, and infections. The hope of the ReFab Dar is to be accessible to the public community as an easy way to print devices needed for society's wellbeing. With all printing being done with e-waste and recycled material! See what amazing things can be done with 3D printing, and this is only the beginning. Visit the MakerLab to see what you can do with 3D printing!

Don’t have time to stop in but still want something printed? Our online ordering option is now up and running! Stay tuned for MakerLab updates by liking us on Facebook, or following us on Twitter or Instagram. Want to be featured in a blog post? If you have an interesting story that you would like to tell about making at the lab, share it with us by emailing!