Meet the Maker: Ben Riggins
/Ben Riggins is an electrical engineering major, and a DIY enthusiast. He came to the MakerLab to build a faceplate to mount some cool electronics in his car.
"I'm building a device which will be mounted in my car's dashboard to display things like the temperature, the direction, and weather forecast information. It is connected to a Bluetooth module to communicate with my phone. The MakerLab allowed me to design and print a custom faceplate to mount the LCD screen and buttons. I've always felt limited to the parts I could make myself, but now so many things are possible. Thanks MakerLab!"
We encourage experimentation with electronics and open hardware in the Lab. To assist users, the Lab is equipped with Raspberry PI's and MakeyMakey Kits. One of the projects our lab guru, Danny, is working on is to enable queueing of prints on our 3D printers, using the Raspberry Pi. Send us a note using the contact form if you would like to work with him over summer on this or other fun electronics projects.
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