Things we Make: Eiffel Tower

We are often asked, "Can you make a large object using a 3D printer?" This is a good question. Although most of the objects that our users make are fairly small, it is possible to make large items using the printers in our Lab. Our MakerBot Replicator 2 printers have a print capacity of 410 cubic inches (11.2 L x 6.0 W x 6.1 H) or about the size of a small loaf of bread. We can also make objects larger than this by printing separate parts than can be fit together. For example, this summer, we printed a model of the Eiffel Tower than stands This model was designed by LeFab Shop in Paris and is freely available via Thingiverse. It is composed of seven different parts, which were individually printed and then glued together, and once assembled, stands over 24 inches tall! We have this tower proudly displayed near the entrance of our Lab. Stop by and have a look! Eifel Tower